Hi there friends! I’m Lucie, and I’m so happy you’re here! I live on a small hobby farm in Minnesota with my husband and two young boys. Together, we raise chickens and run a small roadside pumpkin patch. I began my online journey on Instagram as a way to reach out to my community, connect with other moms and hobby farmers, to learn more about homestead life, and to share my knowledge. I fell in love with the community and the ability to reach others, and quickly realized I wanted a bigger platform. Along came this blog.

I’m truly passionate about building a life of self sufficiency,  living off your land and within your means, attachment parenting, and raising children with intention. On the blog, those passions spark posts about chickens, gardening, canning and recipes, restoring our 1890s farmhouse, our debt free journey, motherhood, babywearing, sewing, and being a stay at home mom. While that may seem like a wide range of topics, it’s all part of this lifestyle we have built, and I can’t wait to share what I have learned with you.



I was working as a bartender at a Famous Daves when a dear friend and coworker said those words eeeevvvvery girl is dying to hear. “You should meet my brother.” **eyeroll….no thanks. I was NOT interested in being set up, nor was I interested in that awkward dynamic of dating your friend’s older brother. Pass.

“He just got some baby chicks and ducklings,” she said.

“Okay….I mean…it wouldn’t hurt to just pop over and say hi. Right?”  Needless to say, I was smitten — with the chicks, so I agreed to go on a date with Richard. Much to my surprise, we had instant chemistry. Sparks were flying as we enjoyed a hibachi dinner followed by a walk through the park and gazing at the beautiful Minneopa Waterfall. A year later he recreated that very first date, ending with a proposal written on the wall next to that same waterfall. I moved to the farm, and we were married the following June. Moral of the story?? If you’re looking to pick up chicks, start with the tiny fluffy kind 😉


After the wedding bells, we did what every expert warned us not to – we renovated part of our 1890s farmhouse doing 95% of the work ourselves. I never knew how handy I was with power tools until that year. We gutted our master bedroom, master bathroom, sunroom and living room down to the studs. We restored the original hard wood floors, exposed a brick wall, and added character every place we could. Since then we have added a deck, wrap around porch, balcony, and an entryway/mudroom that is still a work in progress.


Before I came into the picture, Rich had been growing pumpkins to sell for a few years. Each year we dream up new ideas and make improvements to the patch focusing on building our community. In 2018 we decided to set ourselves apart by painting our pumpkin wagon my favorite color – minty green. And so, The Little Green Wagon was born. 


Apart from being the pumpkin people – we’re the chicken people too! We have 45 chickens on our farm site to raise as pets, and to sell eggs from. That number varies a bit season by season as the occasional skunk sneaks in or we get a few new ones. I love incubating and letting broody hens hatch out and raise chicks every spring. The kids sure love helping me pick the eggs and feed them every day. After 7 years we’ve picked up a lot of tips and tricks to keeping a healthy flock.


When I envisioned myself as a mother, I saw miniature Lucies running through the yard in pig tails and bows. Who knew I’d be blessed with three little boys instead. Henry and James are the spitting image of their dad, but total opposites from one another. Baby Frankie joined us the winter and he’s totally squishy and the perfect addition to our little farm. These three totally have my whole heart and I couldn’t be more grateful to be a boy mom. I’m forever grateful things don’t always work out how you plan.


And that leads me to Richard. That handsome strawberry blonde guy below. I couldn’t do any of this without him. He works as a union electrician, and has a work ethic like I’ve never seen. His dedication to our family and our goals make it possible for me to be able to stay home with our kiddos and run the farm. He’s an extremely active father and the most amazing role model for Henry and James who both adore him and want to be just like him — which would make me insanely proud.


My gorgeous, creative and talented sister Eliza and I both started having babies around the same time. Which has been so amazing for so many reasons – the constant support and shoulder, the bond between cousins and play dates, and the deeper understanding we have of one another.

We both quickly realized that finding quality and meaningful gifts for our babies was often a struggle, so while we were both pregnant with our firsts, I bought myself a sewing machine and taught myself how to make my nephew a quilt. Little did I know, that Eliza had the exact same thoughts and had made him a quilt as well. While I have to admit that my first one was far from perfect, the idea of opening a shop together was born at that moment. Three years, a lot of practice, and a few more babies later and we finally made that dream a reality and opened our very own Etsy shop, Lulu and Louise Baby. We love creating heirloom quality snuggly quilts using gorgeous designer fabrics for the most precious babies in your life. Xoxo

Follow us on Instagram for new products and exclusive sales.