43 Ways to Make Money on Your Hobby Farm
Did you know you could earn a living off of your land? The more you dive into hobby farming and homesteading, the more you realize: there is no “off season.” In other words you complete one task to move to the next, and are constantly shifting your focus based on the time of year. Early springtime means starting seedlings, and hatching chicks. Then planting season begins, which moves to maintaining your gardens, the high egg production of summer time, honey, raising cattle and pigs, cut flowers and manure. As you head into fall, harvest kicks into high gear, canning season and pumpkin season take over – only to be met…
Are Pastured Eggs REALLY Better??
Let’s talk eggs. With so many options in the super-market: organic, cage-free, white eggs, brown eggs, how can you be sure what you’re really getting?! Are the pastured eggs from your local farmer REALLY any better?? The answer: YES!! How does the Nutritional Value of Pastured Eggs Compare? Since pastured eggs typically come from smaller scale farms, the money to front a large study to put this debate to rest just isn’t there. Fortunately, I did find a small study by Mother Earth News done in 2007 that proves the superiority of our pastured eggs. Study by Mother Earth News “Most of the eggs currently sold in supermarkets are nutritionally inferior…