Black Friday DEALS for the Eco-Conscious Consumer 2019!
Find all the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on your favorite eco friendly products and brands like Primally Pure, WearPact, Kyte Baby, and Young Living
All Natural Coop Disinfectant
If you keep chickens, you’re going to get familiar with poop. Chickens poop….like a lot. Not only while they are running around, but they continue to let it loose as they sleep. All this manure in your coop is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and flies in the warmer months. Yuck. Every time you clean the coop and change their bedding, you should be disinfecting. But don’t think you need to turn to harmful chemicals and toxic cleaners to get the job done. Use my favorite home made natural disinfectant instead. ORANGE AND VINEGAR NATURAL DISINFECTANT Making your own non toxic and natural disinfectant is so easy and so inexpensive.…