How Our Duck Nearly Died Freezing in a Blizzard
Midwest farmer shares an astonishing story about a duck, Mr. Quackers, who survived freezing to a water dish during a -30°F blizzard after missing the coop check. Rescued by slowly thawing and warming him up, he recovered in 24 hours, living inside for 8 days to heal from frostbite. The incident led to exploring safer water solutions for ducks during extreme cold.
How to Coop Train Guinea Fowl
Did you even know you needed to coop train guinea fowl? Guineas are wild birds, with minds of their own. They take a long time to feel like a place is home, and like to roam. This makes keeping them around a bit of a challenge if you don’t take the right steps to ensure they know where home is. Here are the exact methods we have used in successfully training our guineas to return to our coop each and every night. It’s Much Easier to Coop Train Keets Starting off with guinea keets is one of the best ways to ensure they stick around. Adult birds have just been…
All Natural Coop Disinfectant
If you keep chickens, you’re going to get familiar with poop. Chickens poop….like a lot. Not only while they are running around, but they continue to let it loose as they sleep. All this manure in your coop is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and flies in the warmer months. Yuck. Every time you clean the coop and change their bedding, you should be disinfecting. But don’t think you need to turn to harmful chemicals and toxic cleaners to get the job done. Use my favorite home made natural disinfectant instead. ORANGE AND VINEGAR NATURAL DISINFECTANT Making your own non toxic and natural disinfectant is so easy and so inexpensive.…
9 Reasons You Need Guinea Fowl
Guinea fowl are a unique and wonderful addition to your homestead. They are a natural way to control pests, and help to protect your chickens by sounding the alarm when a predator is near.